The binary executable can also be configured using environment variables.

Note, you must opt-in to this by setting the -env flag when starting the server. This mode of configuration is useful for containerized environments like Docker where it is difficult to pass command-line arguments.

If you are using the pre-built Docker images, this flag has already been set.


  • APP_DATABASE_HOST: Path to app database. Default is ./me_meta.db.

  • ANALYTICS_DATABASE_HOST: Path to analytics database. Default is ./me_analytics.db.

  • PORT: Port to listen on. Default is 8080.

  • LOGGER: Logger format. Default is json. Options are json and pretty.

  • LEVEL: Logger level. Default is info. Options are debug, info, warn, and error.

  • CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS: Comma-separated list of allowed CORS origins on API routes. Useful for external dashboards that may host the frontend on a different domain.