While using Docker is not necessary for this project, it simplifies deployment for a variety of environments. The pre-built Docker images are available on the GitHub Container Registry.


Docker TagsDescription
ghcr.io/medama-io/medama:latestLatest stable release.
ghcr.io/medama-io/medama:edgeLatest development build.
ghcr.io/medama-io/medama:<version>Specific version.
ghcr.io/medama-io/medama:sha-<commit-sha>Specific commit (short format).



Run Container


Configure Deployment

Before you can start collecting data, you may want to configure your analytics instance to suit your needs. It is recommended to refer to the Environment Variables configuration page.

These variables can be set using the -e flag in docker run or the environment property in Docker Compose.

Afterwards, ensure your analytics instance is configured to be accessible from the internet. You must also set up SSL certificates for your deployment.


Add Your First Website

Success! You can now add your first website to the analytics instance by visiting the web interface at http://localhost:8080 or the publicly accessible hostname for your deployment.

The default login credentials are:

  • Username: admin
It is recommended to change the username and password immediately after logging in for the first time. This can be changed in the settings menu.

Embed Tracking Snippet

Then, embed the following HTML tracking snippet in the <head> element of your website to start collecting data:

<script defer src="https://[your-public-api-hostname].com/script.js"></script>
Learn more about configuring your tracking snippet here.