Deploying Medama on Railway is a simple process with a one-click deploy button.

Railway’s Hobby plan is $5 per month, plus $0.25 per GB for persistent storage. You will receive $5 in credits when you sign up. Typically, the base plan will be enough unless you manage large websites. You can find more details on the pricing page.



Use Template

Click the button below to start configuring a template on Railway. Railway will handle the environment setup and deploy the application for you.

Deploy on Railway


Login or Sign Up

If you do not have an account, you will be prompted to create one. Otherwise, log in to your existing account.


Configure Deployment

Before you can start collecting data, you may want to configure your analytics instance to suit your needs. It is recommended to refer to the Environment Variables configuration page.

The Railway template will automatically set the basic required environment variables for you.


Add Your First Website

Success! You can now add your first website to the analytics instance by visiting the web interface at http://localhost:8080 or the publicly accessible hostname for your deployment.

The default login credentials are:

  • Username: admin
It is recommended to change the username and password immediately after logging in for the first time. This can be changed in the settings menu.

Embed Tracking Snippet

Then, embed the following HTML tracking snippet in the <head> element of your website to start collecting data:

<script defer src="https://[your-public-api-hostname].com/script.js"></script>
Learn more about configuring your tracking snippet here.
Regularly check the Medama Analytics repository for updates and redeploy the application to ensure you are using the latest version.

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